Pedotransfer functions to estimate water retention and availability in Planosol under integrated agricultural production systems in the Agreste of Paraíba


  • Miss Federal University of Paraíba
  • Sir State University of Maringá
  • Sir Federal University of Paraíba
  • Sir Federal University of Paraíba
  • Sir Federal University of Paraíba



Soil water, pedofunctions, semiarid soils


The objective of this work was to generate and obtain Pedotransfer Functions (PTFs) to predict the moisture retained at specific potentials in Planosol under integrated agricultural production systems in the Agreste of Paraíba, three years after implementing the system. The research was conducted at EMPAER, Alagoinha, PB. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks with five integration systems and four replications The treatments were: 1) Gliricídia + Brachiaria decumbens (GC+BD); 2) Sabiá + Brachiaria decumbens (SB+BD); 3) Purple Ipê + Brachiaria decumbens (IP+BD); 4) Corn + Brachiaria decumbens (ML+BD); 5) Brachiaria decumbens (BD). Soil water retention was determined in the following matrix potentials: Ψm = 0, -6, -10, -33, -100, -300, -500, -1000 e -1500 kPa. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) were also generated and validated for each point of the retention curve. The PTFs generated to estimate the points of the water retention curve in the studied soil were validated through the 1: 1 ratio between data observed in the soil and those estimated. Existing FPTs in the literature were also applied. The results showed an increase in available water content in all treatments at depth, being related to soil granulometry. The points of the soil water retention curve were estimated with reasonable precision (R² ≈ 0.88) from the generated FPT, and these functions can be used in soil water retention simulation models, considering the soil under study and the characteristics of the region. The tested FPT from the literature showed low predictive efficiency.

Author Biographies

Miss, Federal University of Paraíba

Bachelor's degree in Forestry from the Federal University of Campina Grande (2013), Master's in Forest Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2014) and a PhD in Soil Science from the Federal University of Paraíba (2020).

Sir, State University of Maringá

Agronomist graduated from the Federal University of Paraíba (2019). He is currently studying for a master's degree in Agronomy (Soils and plant nutrition) at the State University of Maringá (PGA-UEM), working in the field of research (Physics and soil and water management).

Sir, Federal University of Paraíba

Agronomist from the Agricultural Sciences Center of the Federal University of Paraíba (CCA/UFPB, 2004), Master in Agronomy (Soils and Plant Nutrition) from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA, 2006) and Doctor in Soil Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, 2010). He is Associate Professor at the Department of Soils and Rural Engineering at the Center for Agricultural Sciences at the Federal University of Paraíba (DSER / CCA / UFPB)

Sir, Federal University of Paraíba

Agronomist from the Center for Agricultural Sciences of the Federal University of Paraíba (CCA/UFPB, 2004), Master in Agronomy (Soil Sciences) from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, 2006), Doctor in Soil Science from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco ( UFRPE, 2009) and Post-Doctorate in Water and Soil Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2013). He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Soils and Rural Engineering at the Center for Agricultural Sciences at the Federal University of Paraíba (DSER / CCA / UFPB).

Sir, Federal University of Paraíba

Agronomist from the Federal University of Paraíba (2021). Master's student in Soil Science at the Federal University of Paraíba.



How to Cite

Costa da Nóbrega, C., Luan Ferreira da Silva, P., Pereira de Oliveira, F., César Costa Campos, M., & Targino de Sousa Neto, A. (2022). Pedotransfer functions to estimate water retention and availability in Planosol under integrated agricultural production systems in the Agreste of Paraíba. Scientia Plena, 18(7).



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