Heavy metals in samples of irrigation water from the largest producer of vegetables in Pernambuco


  • André Maciel Netto Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


Pollution, heavy metals, irrigation water.


Heavy metals tend to accumulate in soils due to natural processes, weathering of minerals or anthropogenic, via industrial activities, disposal of domestic and industrial wastes, sewage sludge disposal, use of mineral and organic fertilizers, correctives and pesticides in agriculture. Knowledge about the toxic levels of heavy metals in irrigation water is very scarce and quite varied. Thus, it is of great importance to determine the concentrations of metals in agricultural environments is in the soil, plant and especially in water. Thus, this study aimed to assess levels of heavy metals Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd and Cr by optical emission spectrometry, in irrigation of crops of vegetables water in the forest zone Pernambuco, whose water samples were collected in reservoirs and river supplying the region. It was found that only Fe showed values above the recommended water for irrigation of vegetables by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005, which requires further studies on the situation.

Author Biography

André Maciel Netto, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Energia Nuclear

Área: Física do Solo


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How to Cite

Netto, A. M. (2014). Heavy metals in samples of irrigation water from the largest producer of vegetables in Pernambuco. Scientia Plena, 10(10). Retrieved from https://scientiaplena.org.br/sp/article/view/2129

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