Analysis of the Degradation and Mineralization of Phenol Via Advanced Oxidative Process for Wastewater Reuse in the oil industry.


  • Kaline Souza Silva
  • Léa Elias Mendes Carneiro Zaidan
  • Daniella Carla Napoleão
  • Fernando Ferreira da Silva Dias
  • Yana Batista Brandão
  • José Geraldo de Andrade Pacheco Filho
  • Celmy Maria Bezerra de Menezes Barbosa
  • Mohand Benachour
  • Valdinete Lins da Silva


effluent, phenol, photo-Fenton


Industrial activities, mining and agriculture are important emitters of toxic pollutants, the oil industry being a major generator of toxic effluents. Phenol is one of the compounds found in these effluents, is dangerous and lethal in minute concentrations. Traditional methods of water treatment can not mineralized it, and studied techniques such as advanced oxidation processes. This work used photo-Fenton process using photochemical reactor bench for treating an aqueous solution of phenol 100mg.L-1. The degradation of the compound and the mineralization were analyzed via liquid chromatography High Efficiency Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Obtained was a degradation of 100% conversion of the phenol and 92% of the TOC after 2 hours of reaction.

Author Biographies

Kaline Souza Silva



Léa Elias Mendes Carneiro Zaidan





How to Cite

Silva, K. S., Zaidan, L. E. M. C., Napoleão, D. C., Dias, F. F. da S., Brandão, Y. B., Pacheco Filho, J. G. de A., … Silva, V. L. da. (2014). Analysis of the Degradation and Mineralization of Phenol Via Advanced Oxidative Process for Wastewater Reuse in the oil industry. Scientia Plena, 10(7). Retrieved from

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