Hemodynamics of Anaplasma marginale infection in calves Girolando


  • Huber Rizzo UFRPE
  • Tatiana Rodrigues da Silva
  • Luzia Graziele Moura Lima da Silva
  • Gabriel José Moura Fraga
  • Fagner Paulo Cruz de Andrade
  • Jorge Alves Oliveira Júnior
  • Pierre Castro Soares
  • Aline Monteiro Silveira
  • Silvia Letícia Bomfim Barros


Anaplasma marginale, tick and calves.


The present study aims to study the hemodynamics of A.marginale infection in calves raised in São Cristóvão-SE Girolando. 24 calves (12 females and 12 males), bred in semi-intensive system were utilized. Large presence of ticks Boophilus microplus, low body condition, lethargy, pale mucous membranes, diarrheal stools and pyrexia was observed in calves. To combat the frame and anti-ectoparasitic, anthelmintic, imidocarb dipropionate and vitamin supplement. The animals were monitored for eight weeks to study haematological parameters and measurement of protein and fibrinogen, in addition to research hemoparasites after the imposition of treatments. The best observed in hematological status herd animals occurred on the fifth week (He:12,1x106/mL, Hm: 10g/dL, VG: 33%, VCM: 27,5fL, HCM:8,3pg, CHCM: 30%) while the lowest value of WBC has been obtained in the last week (10.3 x 106 / ml). 3.1% (6/192) of the blades to research hemoparasites was detected intraerythrocytic inclusion of corpuscles of A. marginale. Was observed in this study that the peak of clinical improvement occurs about four to five week after the initiation of treatment against A. marginale.



How to Cite

Rizzo, H., da Silva, T. R., da Silva, L. G. M. L., Fraga, G. J. M., de Andrade, F. P. C., Oliveira Júnior, J. A., … Barros, S. L. B. (2015). Hemodynamics of Anaplasma marginale infection in calves Girolando. Scientia Plena, 11(4). Retrieved from https://scientiaplena.org.br/sp/article/view/2472



III Simpósio Sergipano de Buiatria

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