Evaluation of restoration techniques in a degraded area without initial soil layers in the Caatinga

Evaluation of restoration techniques in a degraded area without initial soil layers in the Caatinga


  • Raphaela Aguiar de Castro Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Patrícia Daniele de Souza Federal University of San Francisco Valley
  • Léticia de Brito Rodrigues Federal University of San Francisco Valley
  • Renato Garcia Rodrigues Federal University of San Francisco Valley
  • Marcos Vinicius Meiado Federal University of Sergipe




RAD, seedlings planting, transposition of soil


The objective of the study was to evaluate which forest restoration technique provides the greatest increase in richness, density, diversity and vegetation cover in the area under restoration. The following trail plots were carried out on: T1) Conducting natural regeneration; T2) Conducting natural regeneration by seedlings planting; T2) Transposition of soil; T3) Transposition of soil with planting of seedlings. The treatments were carried out in 15 repetitions. After three years, it was observed that for richness (average of 12.14 ± 3.77 species), density (average of 510.3 ± 222.9 individuals/m2), and coverage (average of 90.26 ± 9.19 %) there was no difference between treatments. Colonization is being carried out mainly by herbaceous, native, and anemochoric species. As well as shrubs and trees similar to positive reference areas. The planted seedlings not enough to contribute to the advent of new species. However, the slow growth of trees on the field can only generate contributions in the long term. Therefore, the interventions performed improved the general parameters and the most expressive results were observed in the treatments with higher intervention. However, the lack of effectiveness of some treatments did not provide the expected difference between them.

Author Biographies

Patrícia Daniele de Souza, Federal University of San Francisco Valley

Biologist from the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF). She participated in research related to the Restoration of degraded areas in the Caatinga, developed at the Center for Ecology and Environmental Monitoring (NEMA).

Léticia de Brito Rodrigues, Federal University of San Francisco Valley

Biologist from the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, Agricultural Sciences Campus (UNIVASF/CCA). She developed research at the Center for Ecology and Environmental Monitoring (NEMA) in the Caatinga Restoration area, studying direct seeding techniques, planting seedling and topsoil translocation. She worked on a research project about the seed bank of an area in restoration in the Caatinga.

Renato Garcia Rodrigues, Federal University of San Francisco Valley

Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná (2003), a Master's and PhD in Ecology and Conservation from the Federal University of Paraná. He is currently Adjunct Professor (DE) at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF), responsible for the chair of Ecology of Populations and Communities at the Collegiate of Biological Sciences. Technical Coordinator of the Fauna and Flora Conservation Program - FLORA subprogram - (PCFF-PISF) and the Degraded Area Recovery Program with the São Francisco River Integration Project-Ministry of National Integration. He coordinates the Center for Ecology and Environmental Monitoring at UNIVASF (NEMA / UNIVASF).

Marcos Vinicius Meiado, Federal University of Sergipe

Bachelor in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2005), Master's (2008) and PhD (2012) in Plant Biology from the same institution. He is currently a professor at the Department of Biosciences (DBCI) at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). He has experience in Botany, with studies in Plant Ecophysiology of Semi-Arid Environments, working mainly on the following topics: allelopathy, soil seed bank, Cactaceae, conservation of endangered species, initial development, germination, hydration memory of seeds and environmental justice. Permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Ecology and Conservation (PPEC / UFS São Cristóvão).



How to Cite

Aguiar de Castro, R., Daniele de Souza, P. ., de Brito Rodrigues, L. ., Garcia Rodrigues, R., & Vinicius Meiado, M. (2024). Evaluation of restoration techniques in a degraded area without initial soil layers in the Caatinga : Evaluation of restoration techniques in a degraded area without initial soil layers in the Caatinga. Scientia Plena, 20(5). https://doi.org/10.14808/sci.plena.2024.057301