Phenology and floral biology of species Byrsonima Rich.ex Kunth in caatinga in the Bahia, Brazil




Raso da Catarina, native species, trophic resources


Phenological studies and floral biology are important for understanding the dynamics of biological events that occur between plant species over time. The present study was conducted with objective to identify patterns phenological, floral and pollinators of species Byrsonima Rich. ex Kunth in a remaining area of caatinga in Bahia, Brazil. Twenty specimens of each species were tagged and monitored daily over six months of flowering, between November 2017 and April 2018. The populations of the species of Byrsonima sp. studied in the caatinga region in Bahia, showed annual flowering standard, intermediate duration and 40% of flowers opened by inflorescence/day expressing the cornucopia strategy. Synchrony was interspecific with different flowering peaks with the greatest synchronization between B. gardneriana and B. verbascifolia. Climate variables, humidity and temperature showed strong correlations with flowering activity. In pollen collection, there was a significant reduction in the quantity of pollen grains foraged between the first and second visits. The floral biology of the species was similar to each other, in addition to producing a satisfactory amount of pollen and with high pollen viability, with greater emphasis on B. verbascifolia. The species offer oil and pollen as floral resources. The species of Byrsonima sp. studied in the region of caatinga are potentially fertile and qualified of being used in reforestation and genetic improvement programs.



How to Cite

Nascimento Júnior, J. M. do ., Gama, D. C., Lima, L. C. L. e ., Oliveira, V. da S. ., & Conceição, E. S. da . (2023). Phenology and floral biology of species Byrsonima Rich.ex Kunth in caatinga in the Bahia, Brazil. Scientia Plena, 19(7).




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