The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the teaching and learning process and creative activity




multiple intelligences, Howard Gardner, Lev Vygotsky


The theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI), proposed by Howard Gardner, in the 1980s, is a detailed and complex way of understanding the different forms of intelligence that the individual has/develops. Such a theory also relates the teaching and learning process, and the cognitive system of the student, so it can be useful to understand how to stimulate students and their different capacities and skills. However, the Brazilian literature that addresses this theory and relates it to the teaching and learning process is still scarce. Thus, this text provides an overview of Gardner's theory, initially bringing a discussion about the concept of intelligence, basic learning patterns, and about the importance of neuroscience in education. Then, each of the intelligences proposed by Gardner are listed and discussed, and finally, the creative activity is discussed, from the Vygotskian perspective.

Author Biographies

Gleyson Miranda de Souza, Unifesspa

Aluno de mestrado no MNPEF na Unifesspa

Camila Maria Sitko, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

Professora no Instituto de Ciências Exatas, no Mestrado Nacional Profissional de Ensino de Física e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática da Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará



How to Cite

Miranda de Souza, G., & Sitko, C. M. (2022). The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the teaching and learning process and creative activity . Scientia Plena, 18(8).



2 Semana Acadêmica de Física Integrada com Mestrado de Física e Áreas Correlatas