Investigating the pedagogical practice of science teachers in the Barra dos Coqueiros city, SE: the approach of the theme mangrove


  • Aldeci dos Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos Depto de Educação do Campus prof. Alberto Carvalho



Lessons science, pedagogical practice, Mangrove.


The said article aimed to investigate the pedagogical practice of science teachers in the Barra dos Coqueiros schools, SE, as the theme mangroves approach. The methodology was based in applying on questionnaires for teachers who teach science classes in classes of the 6th year, schools of public and private networks aiming to analyze in what way the theme mangrove issue is addressed during their science classes. Per the teachers interviewed, the main source of reference used still is the textbook; according to the interviewed teachers, the textbook is not the only resource used, having the same the concern to seek other resources for planning your classes; Moreover, most lists the contents taught in their classes the students experience in their daily lives. 

Author Biographies

Aldeci dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Biológa e Mestranda do PPGECIMA

Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos, Depto de Educação do Campus prof. Alberto Carvalho

Prof. Pós Doutor em Educação



How to Cite

Santos, A. dos, & Vasconcelos, C. A. (2016). Investigating the pedagogical practice of science teachers in the Barra dos Coqueiros city, SE: the approach of the theme mangrove. Scientia Plena, 12(11).



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