Growth rates of the quixabeira seedlings submitted to different conditions


  • Fabricio Francisco Santos da Silva Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Bárbara França Dantas Embrapa Semiárido


seedlings, caatinga, production of seedlings of forest


In the production of seedlings of forest trees is important to establish techniques that improve/assist not only in replacement of riparian forests, but also takes into account all environmental aspects that forest management, especially in the caatinga. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different shadings and substrates on the growth rates of Sideroxylon obtusifolium seedlings production, of two origin sites. After beneficiation the seeds were subjected to mechanical scarification and were sowed in recipients, filled up with six different substrates, which are: soil+sand, in the proportion of 1:2; soil+sand, in the proportion of 1:1; soil+sugar cane bagasse; and substrates described plus super phosphate simple in the proportion 1kg to 60L of substrate. The recipients were maintained in three different shadings, which are 0% (open air), 25% and 75% shadings. Six seedlings (replications) were evaluated in each treatment, in a 2x3x6 (origin, substrate, luminosity) factorial scheme. After 100 days the seedlings were leaf area and dry matter of leaves and shoots (PMSF e PMSPA, respectively). The seedlings of S. obtusifolium maintained a lower thickness of the shaded leaves. The seedlings from seeds collected in BA despite holding high values of PMSF and PMSPA, also show high values RPF, holds a larger fraction of dry mass retained on the leaves and not exported to other plant parts.

Author Biographies

Fabricio Francisco Santos da Silva, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco

Bárbara França Dantas, Embrapa Semiárido



How to Cite

Silva, F. F. S. da, & Dantas, B. F. (2014). Growth rates of the quixabeira seedlings submitted to different conditions. Scientia Plena, 10(9). Retrieved from

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