Magnetic characterization of single crystal DyRhIn5


  • Jonas Cegelka da Silva Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Nelson Orlando Moreno Salazar Universidade Federal de Sergipe


intermetallics, single crystal, metamagnetism


In this work we present the synthesis of intermetallic compound DyRhIn5 in single crystalline shape by self-flux method, the structural characterization through of powder X-ray diffraction measurements at room temperature and the magnetic characterization by dc magnetization measurements as a function of temperature and magnetic field applied. The magnetic measurements were carried out using a commercial magnetometer MPMS-7 with SQUID detection, applying the magnetic field along and perpendicular to the c-axis of single crystals. The compound was formed in a single phase with tetragonal structure HoCoGa5-type, belonging to the space group P4/mmm, with lattice parameters equals to a = b = 4.585Å and c = 7.359Å. This compound showed an antiferromagnetic order with Néel Temperature of 28K when the magnetic field of 1 kOe was applied along to the c-axis, of which a typical Curie-Weiss behavior above Néel Temperature was observed. In the magnetic hysteresis curves at T = 2 and 5 K, with the magnetic field applied parallel to the c-axis, a metamagnetic behavior was observed.

Author Biographies

Jonas Cegelka da Silva, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Aluno de doutorado, na linha de pesquisa magnetismo, no Núcleo de Pós-Graduação em Física da Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Nelson Orlando Moreno Salazar, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Professor adjunto do Núcleo de Pós-Graduação em Física da Universidade Federal de Sergipe



How to Cite

da Silva, J. C., & Salazar, N. O. M. (2012). Magnetic characterization of single crystal DyRhIn5. Scientia Plena, 8(5). Retrieved from

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