Microbiological and Nitrite and Nitrate Analysis in Sausage


  • Fernanda Scherer Adami Centro Universitário Univates
  • Laís Scartezini Giovanaz Centro Universitário Univates
  • Gabriela Altenhofen Centro Universitário Univates
  • Simone Morelo Dal Bosco Centro Universitário Univates
  • Aline Marcadenti Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre.
  • Eniz Conceição Oliveira Centro Universitário Univates


Sodium Nitrite. Food Preservatives. Microbiological Analysis.


The objective of this study was to determine the levels of nitrite and nitrate, pH and water activity as well as perform microbiological analysis of meat products classified as sausage produced at Taquari Valley’s establishments, supervised by Municipal Sanitary Inspection. Samples of sausage were collected from 11 establishments controlled by the Municipal Sanitary Inspection in towns of Taquari Valley during the months of April, May and June 2013. In each of the 11 facilities, three samples of the same product from different batches were collected, totaling 33 samples of sausages. The levels of nitrite and nitrate, pH, water activity and microbiological analysis (thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella spp;) were determined according to official methods and parameters set by Brazilian legislation. According to the results, 30.3% and 69.7% of the samples showed, respectively, levels of nitrite and nitrate above the value established by the Brazilian legislation. In the microbiological analysis, 54.5%, 36.4% and 9.1% showed thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella spp., respectively. All samples were above the reference value for the water activity value and within the reference to pH. The establishments no have patterns of production and the majority of samples of sausage was considered unfit for human consumption, especially in relation to the concentration of nitrite, nitrate and microbiological analysis.

Author Biographies

Fernanda Scherer Adami, Centro Universitário Univates

Mestre em Gerontologia Biomédica PUCRS e doutoranda em ciências ambientais na Univates. Docente do curso de nutrição da Univates.

Laís Scartezini Giovanaz, Centro Universitário Univates


Gabriela Altenhofen, Centro Universitário Univates

Acadêmica do curso de Química Industrial do Centro Universitário Univates

Simone Morelo Dal Bosco, Centro Universitário Univates

Doutora em Medicina e Ciências da Saúde. Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Biotecnlogia do Centro Universitário Univates.

Aline Marcadenti, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre.

Doutora em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Professor Adjunto da Fundação Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde.

Eniz Conceição Oliveira, Centro Universitário Univates

Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ambiente, Desenvolvimento, Ensino e Ensino de Ciências Exatas do Centro Universitário Univates.



How to Cite

Adami, F. S., Giovanaz, L. S., Altenhofen, G., Dal Bosco, S. M., Marcadenti, A., & Oliveira, E. C. (2015). Microbiological and Nitrite and Nitrate Analysis in Sausage. Scientia Plena, 11(5). Retrieved from https://scientiaplena.org.br/sp/article/view/2382

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