Inventory of limnic molluscs of three large reservoirs in the sertão of Pernambuco, Brazil


  • Silvano Lima do Nascimento Filho Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/ Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
  • Girlene Fábia Segundo Viana Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/ Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
  • Ricácio Luna Marques Gomes Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/ Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada


mollusk, reservoirs, inventory.


The construction of reservoirs to meet the needs of the human population carries serious damage to aquatic environments, such as loss of diversity, dominance of invasive species and the introduction of exotic species. In these environments, the diversity of the molluscs is notable for presenting high species richness, abundance and biomass. The objective was to inventory the mollusk species in three large reservoirs of the interior of Pernambuco. Collections were made with the aid of a hand net with a mesh aperture of 2 mm, with three replicas at six stations in each reservoir. The collected material was packed in plastic bags, labeled and preserved in 70% alcohol. The richness, density, frequency of occurrence, relative abundance, Shannon-Wiener, evenness and the Berger-Parker index were analyzed. In total, six species of molluscs were recorded: Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819), Biomphalaria straminea (Dunker, 1848) Pomacea lineata (Spix, 1827), Melanoides tuberculatus (Muller, 1774), Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774) and Aylacostoma sp., characterized by four native and two exotic species, with a total abundance of 19,179 individuals for the three reservoirs. In all reservoirs, it was evident the dominance of invasive exotic species Melanoides tuberculatus that showed high density values ranging from 1673.92 ind./m², 1052.25 ind./m² and 2035.25 ind./m² for the reservoirs Entremontes, Poço da Cruz and Serrinha, respectively. It is concluded from this study for the similarity between the reservoirs regarding the described species and there is dominance of exotic and invasive species Melanoides tuberculatus, being the responsible for the low values of diversity and evenness.

Author Biographies

Silvano Lima do Nascimento Filho, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/ Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada

Pesquisador do departamento de Ecologia de Bentos seguindo as áreas de Zoologia, Ecologia e Limnologia.
Pesquisas envolevendos bentos límnicos em ambientes lênticos e Lóticos do Nordeste Brasileiro.

Girlene Fábia Segundo Viana, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/ Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada

Ricácio Luna Marques Gomes, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/ Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada


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How to Cite

do Nascimento Filho, S. L., Segundo Viana, G. F., & Gomes, R. L. M. (2014). Inventory of limnic molluscs of three large reservoirs in the sertão of Pernambuco, Brazil. Scientia Plena, 10(11). Retrieved from

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